did ya’ll drag your friends/family who voted or didn’t vote at all?

i was about to do something silly.
I was gonna send a mass text to everyone in my phone,
letting them know that if they voted for that man,
or they didn’t vote at all,
that we would not be speaking again.

in fantasy,
that felt good.
you’re sticking it to em!”
in reality,
that does more damage and is actually very childish.
so after i sat with myself for a little bit,
i decided to…
i was having a pity party yesterday and someone gave me a present

It is the little things God provides for me.
i decided to host a pity party.
it was raining,
i was tired AF,
one of the Foxholers shared something with me that made me really sad,
and i was emotionally not in the best place.
it’s not a great day for a pity party.
we can’t always be together and posting spiritual captions on our IG.
shit just sucks.
i sent this text to one of my sisters from another:

i had on adele.
i was already hitting the gas to 100 for maximum depression.
i was happy that i wasn’t the only one throwing a pity party tbh.
so as i was celebrating my pity on my couch,
something told me to check my phone.
when i looked,
i saw that i had a tweet that said…
I thought the scripture was “thou shall not judge”?
church folks are always going to be interesting to me.
dr. juanita bynum thinks our suits for church are “too tight”.
something about “knees being too close“…
august alsina is giving us “chemistry” with his new cologne

so i know we discussed this in the past but…
Has it been confirmed that August Alsina is “one of the Foxhole”?
these recent ads for his new cologne,
with zu aka @iamlazu_ are very…
when it comes to menz we have dated/smashed, we all have a type
i was reading a thread on reddit about the kardashians.
i know.
i know.
it was a thread about all the wolves they have dated.
many of the people pointed out that the sisters have a type.
i started to understand what a “type” is.
so it led me to wonder…
Do I have a type?
…and i definitely do.
when it came to all the males i’ve either attracted,
talked to,
or messed with…
Continue reading “when it comes to menz we have dated/smashed, we all have a type” →
the foxhole has told us everything about the attentionistos, gym bros, and muscle males
so you know we been in the foxhole for a minute.
every day,
i learn so much from you guys.
besides therapy,
my life has improved greatly because of my community.
i don’t have many male gay friends in real life but within the foxhole:
i saw ^that tweet above and you know we like a gym wolf or 10.
i put this on my stories but i’m gonna post some facts i’ve learned in detail.
this may not apply to all attentionistos but it applies to many.
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