if the beef ain’t going in my mouth then you can forget it

i’m going to font something that is probably going to get me highly judged.
at this point,
judge if you must but

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i learned something while i was getting the juice on oj simpson

this weekend,
i went far down the oj simpson rabbit hole than i should have.

i was a kid when all this shit went down so i wasn’t interested.
my mother,
and aunt
were all locked TF in during the trial.

I remember my aunt having a tabloid that showed the entire crime scene and the dead bodies.

so i watched a few things about the murders of nicole brown simpson and ron goldman,
along with researching all kinds of who did it? and “what was the motive?“.
it creeped me TF out but i was so fascinated.
i learned one thing about oj simpson that reminds me of some of these black males today…

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even after being hurt, we are still choosing to stick around (until?)

i’m going to font something because of all this conversation on black with white partnering.
i hope it doesn’t come off nasty because that isn’t the intent but i felt triggered after the last entry.
i’m asking God to allow my fingers to word my thoughts correctly…

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(the hoes are to the front) kellon deryck might be single again

put on your best “cum fuck me” ensembles because there’s an update with kellon deryck.
after all the ranges,
and shameless promotion,
one of the F-BI alerted me that…

Kellon Deryck is allegedly single again.

he announced he was single but edited the caption:

i guess them dms blew up so bad that he had to fall back.
so i’m not shocked and i’ll font you why.
this is strictly from my head and opinion

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addressing the drama…

omg that is how the Youtubers title their videos.

i’ve learned in life,
especially as a blogger,
that people will admire you UNTIL you say or font something they don’t agree with.

it’s a thing called “life“.
as gay males,
we know what its like to live our lives one way and be ostracized after coming out.
it happens to the best and the worst of us.
i wrote something yesterday that caused quite the stir.

i didn’t think anything of it when i wrote it because i’m usually poppin off at the fingers.
it was taken out of context so let’s address it but first…

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is ATL trying to take the number 1 spot in the HIV olympics?

i remember being a teen fox and hearing about freaknik in atl.
the straights that were older went.
all i heard about it was:

“…and yo,
they be fuckin in the streets!”

that is all my sexually struggling ass needed to hear.
i can’t even imagine all the “90s fine” pineapples down there who were ack’ up.
the Foxholer told me:

“I hooked up with some wolves during Freaknik.
ATL was always a gay mecca.
You get some likka,
and be in the right place and time in these curious males and…”

i said to myself after i watched we could never have that level of ratchet in atl again.
as fun,
and free as that would be,
a Foxholer sent me this

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