kamala harris is coming in hot, hot, hot

Over the years,
one thing I’ve learned about a bully is when they’ve met their match,
they will do everything in their power to become invisible or run for the hills.

i knew trump wouldn’t debate kamala harris.
why would he?
2024 continues to be the year of “this was not on my bingo card“.
after kendrick obliterated drake in their rap beef,
we witnessed an underdog rise and conquer.
as much as i fux with drake’s music,
he has done some shit that made me side-eye him over the years.
i knew someone was gonna come at him but i didn’t think it would be killa kenny.
watching kendrick bring drake down a few pegs did something to us subconsciously.
it’s what we didn’t know the country needed tbh.
it was like it awakened us to fight back.
so many times,
we’ve seen people get coddled for their bad behavior.

Remember when you were treated like trash and your bully got coddled,
making you feel like the villain because everyone chose their side?

at a time when michelle obama said we needed to go high when folks went low,
we needed that kind of messaging but in 2024…

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i’ve been playing the role as “the warm idiot” over and over

I had to wonder:
Have I been reliving the same scene over and over,
just swapping out the cast and locations?

i had a therapy session that felt like an earthquake,
shaking up everything i thought i knew.
it actually began with a good friend last week.
last friday,
i was on the phone with her for over 8 hours.
when the conversation flows,
i go with it.

i confessed how i wanted to be colder, less warm.
i’ve always been a warm and kinda-ish bubbly person.
many people are drawn to my warmth but then some have turned cold,
leaving me in a whirlwind of confusion and craving their acceptance.

It felt like a scene from my childhood,
with my parentals as the original cast.

my friend asked me…

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so i watched kamala harris first presidential rally and…

i’ve had my doubts about kamala harris in past entries.
she got on my nerves due to her past pandering.
they’ve all gotten my nerves because of that tbh.
i watched her speech yesterday in her first presidential rally…

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are you getting chased by your bear or are you fighting that b!tch?

I had to wonder:
Have you ever felt like you’re constantly being hunted,
as if some unseen predator is always lurking just beyond the shadows?

in the animal kingdom,
every creature has a predator that hunts them.

they either learn or are gifted the skills to survive.
even the weakest animals have been given speed.
in the human jungle,
especially now,
we’re all being hunted by something in our backgrounds.
each one of us has our own cross to bear and i call it…

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living in a haunted house taught me how to adapt

when i was younger,
after losing her apartment,
my mother and i had to move into my sister’s aunt’s house with my step father.

that house was an absolute nightmare.
it was like a horror movie set in slow motion.
her aunts had given up on life and…

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why don’t we believe this is who they are?

Don’t you ever get tired of dealing with people’s shady bullshit?

this morning,
i found myself headed dangerously close on the edge of sanity,
ready to go nuclear over someone’s latest nonsense.
someone i already know to be a certain way but hoping for a different outcome.
my bad.
in life,
we are going to face all kinds of abusive assholes.
i’ve always liked an asshole up front where i can see them.
i hate the ones who throws stones and hides behind a mask of innocence.
a dear friend pulled me back from the brink with a simple yet profound truth

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