democrats are always gay and love to look at black male butt cheeks

Have you ever met someone who says things so ridiculous you start questioning their intelligence?

for today’s example,
let me introduce you to angela stanton king.
in her limited and fear-mongering forest:

Being gay is a “democrat thing”

you read that right.

according to her,
90% of male democrats are waving rainbow flags and love carly rae jepsen.
her proof?
an alleged flub that roland martin got caught with some other guy’s pants down on his screen.

i know,

but let’s pause for a second.

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tyrese says joe biden and kamala harris only protected asians and not black folks

We’re in the middle of a major misinformation crisis right now.

it’s got me thinking:

Do people even bother getting the full story anymore?

i mean,
how can we when one clip and a chorus of ‘me too’s‘ is all it takes to form an opinion?

google should be everyone’s bff,
just like it’s mine.

case in point: tyrese went off on joe biden and kamala harris for signing a hate bill,
but only for the asian community.

keith boykin swooped in to add to the discussion…

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so they’re fighting people for wearing trump shirts now?

Peep the views.

i knew we’d end up here soon.
the so-called “race war” initiative was bound to kick off but let’s be real:

No one actually cares.
We’re just counting down the days until this election circus is over so we can get back to living our lives.

it’s all getting so tired and guess which team continues to stir the pot?

why aren’t they realizing the antics are turning many people off?
so the following popped up in elon’s swamp:

A white she-jackal supposedly getting beaten up for,
wait for it,
allegedly wearing a Trump shirt.

of course…

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the DC Foxhole is gutter! they trying to take out keith lee?!

we can all be very passionate about our stanning so i get it!

Can a DC local chill on plotting to take Keith Lee out just because he didn’t vibe with their food?

a local rapping jackal,
ant glizzy,
decided to vent on elon’s swamp….

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why is it okay for jesse watters to say this tho? it was out of control

*investages jesse watters*
July 9th?
A Cancer?

i saw something yesterday that left me seriously disturbed.
i mean,
fox news does tend to serve up some questionable content,
but jesse watters took it way too far.
he decided to disrespect kamala harris in the most vile way possible…

Continue reading “why is it okay for jesse watters to say this tho? it was out of control”

ya’ll gave bryon perkins and his white manz another dragging this weekend

over the weekend,
bryon and his manz had a brief squabble.

the worst thing he did was come on social media to vent in his emotions.
a Foxholer decided to drop a whole alleged dossier in my box.
this is what bryon posted that got everyone riled up (again)…

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