somethin’ tatted cums this way

remember this tatted hood wolf?
oh you don’t?
lets see if i can jog that memory

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do you think this attentionisto gave demon d?

i feel like every light skin male,
with a beard and fade,
is trying to look like drake during his scorpion era.

of course,
in looking like that,
you are bound to get many opportunities to slay holes and mouths in your state.
the wolf above is def one of those light skin hole slayers but is he good at it?
survey says…

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who knew barry bartlett and king marcellus would make good toppings?

We are gonna do a half and half Foxhole pizza today.
One side will be plain nd the side will have toppings.

(see what i did there?)

so we can’t always assume someone won’t be into our type of pizza.
all of us have a different flavor that someone(s) will fiend for.
in the gay social media forests,
we tend to see pizza toppings with muscle/muscle and clones/clones.

i’ve assumed that before because of what i’ve seen on my phone.

When I look back tho,
I’ve bagged some real fine wolves due to being around them IRL.
There is life outside of our phones and social media timelines

many of us give better flava in motion.
some of us aren’t photogenic or don’t like being so exposed on social media.
this is where these ^two above “cum” in.
i’m not even gonna hold you but i’m shocked about these two.
now this could be for clicks and clout but we shall see.
barry bartlett and king marcelluss came off like polar opposites.

I would have assumed Barry would only be into lighter or whiter muscle attentionistios.
I would have assumed Marcelluss would only be into white wolves and hybrids.

this is based on past relations and their social media.
when they both appeared on dilf mansion on out tv:

they both hit it off pretty quickly and judging from all that has conspired,
they seem both into each other.
so much so,
barry has been giving the perfect toppings to marcelluss…

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the baller wolf who will bring you meats and some cakes from his bakery

He looks high af in this picture smh.

darius hodge,
nfl baller wolf for the dolphins,
is like most baller wolves.

They forget they are baller wolves.

so they act like regulars,
sending nudes out to every admirer,
and then pikachu shocked face when they are leaked to the public.
a Foxholer sent in a drop and i gotta font…

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he got everything but i’m waiting for that but

some of us can’t have it all.
some work with what we got or give the bare minimum.
i think this is why so many males are not good in bed.
i think that is the part of life many of us are starting to finally accept.
i think we are learning this when it comes to many males tbh.
something is lacking somewhere in this era of attentionistos.

How many times have we dealt with fine ass wolf,
bawdy and face card for days,
but the stroke resume gets a terrible Yelp review?

the wolf seems to have everything going in his favor


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towanda braxton watches a sex scene in her tubi movie

I like that Towanda Braxton is out here on her acting tip.
She has been dominating Tubi with movies she is in.

never did i think i’d see kelly rowland in a sex scene on tv.
never did i think i’d see towanda braxton in a sex scene of tv.
one with this wolf:


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