i shouldn’t be thinking of him in that way
“How would you feel if I told you I had sex with “insert another male we know here“?”
that question he asked me made me so horny…
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hey Foxhole, wake up, the alleged pipe leakage of the assassin dropped
…allegedly fonting,
of course.
do you see that facial?
those eyebrows?
that hair?
who would have thought that would be what the “the adjuster” looked like?
with the following alleged pipe leakage that an F-BI sent me,
was he packing another weapon somewhere else too?…
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let’s play mr. pretend so i can be your man of the 11pm-3am hours
There is a male who lurks from “11pm to 3am” that has a 99% success rate.
or Hybrid…
You can be that male too.
remember how i fonted there are no rules anymore?
i think i have found the way for easy (safe) sex,
but its going to require you to role play.
and lie too…
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brazilian beauty
before kevin spacey decided to destroy legacy,
he was known as one of the best actors from the 90s.
one of my favorite movies is “american beauty” that he stars in.
i recommend that movie to everyone because i love it so much.
the message in the movie is really deep and hits different as an adult.
this part in the movie goes down as one of the iconic scenes in movie history.
That song is on our iPhones as a ringtone,
when i saw that wolf above covered in roses,
it reminded me of that scene.
that wolf tho…
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what is happening to him?
there is a misconception that the younger you look means the better you are.
if you take care of yourself,
you can reach the exclusive “daddy” status.
if you’re lucky,
“zaddy” status.
one of my fav white wolves is confusing me with his aging or work out process…
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so he allegedly abuses vixens, is gay for pay, and addicted to coke?
Thanksgiving might be over but my inbox got stuffed with scandal.
this latest drop from an F-BI is hotter than your leftover mac and cheese.
it’s going on 4 days.
you better freeze or throw them out.
a F-BI sent me the following:
*turns the microwave on 2 minutes*
so according to this drop…
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