was jonathan wright allegedly exposed for dealing with a “straight” rapper?

Look good
Be at the right place and time
Have the funds
Some kind of career that can get someone from point A to B

… and you can pretty much have sex with any male,
whether straight or gay.

whether its for clout,
to getting bills paid,
or you can put someone on,
you can get sex pretty easy out here.
i’ve been taught that money talks.
rich white males have been paying to beat the stuffin’ out rapping and IG straights,
many of whom look like slugs or night of the living dead extras.
what they don’t tell you is how males are bigger groupies than vixens.
two of my fav Foxholers have schooled me to the game of it all.

“Don’t put any male you see on IG on a pedestal.” – We’ll discuss that soon.

so a Foxholer sent me something about hair stylist,
jonathan wright

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