do not look at my butt

I have always wondered if males from overseas are more comfortable with butt cheeks attention than the ones in the forests of the USA?

many males in the US love to lightweight advertise.
they get off on the attention but once it goes too far,
we get the IG press releases about straightness and blah blah blah.
who is pictured above,
has a ridiculous tail on him.

when i posted a spotlight on that tail of his,
he was very friendly and showed me love.

That can be sometimes shocking tbh.

so i decided to hit up cousin hybrid about his view on ass.
he has lived in the UK and has traveled quite a bit.
he told me…

Continue reading “do not look at my butt”

plaqueboymax is tired of ya’ll wanting to pulverize dem meaty bunz

Besides Aaron Taylor Johnson,
a straight having a fat tail often means lacking big meat.
We have seen this time and time again on OF.
I don’t make the rules.

back in the 90s,
jean claude van damme and christopher meloni were know for their fat tails.

they knew they had a gay audience and kept them well fed.
you can’t let the attentionistos of today know they got big butts.
they start to do everything to show it off in various ways on their socials,
but once the gays start trying to get into their boxes,
they suddenly want to cry wolf.
twitch streamer,
has gotten too much attention for his butt cheeks has overwhelmed him…

Continue reading “plaqueboymax is tired of ya’ll wanting to pulverize dem meaty bunz”

he took the cake along with having a big cake too

I was just saying we are missing some real sex wolves rn.

we have a ton of good looking wolves who work out,
but we don’t have many that are comfortable in their own fur.

you know the ones i’m fonting about.
i’ve been fonting that we don’t have much good meat in the OF scene.

When they are sexy AF and get on OF,
they ruin the fantasy showing just how bad their stroke resume is.

i think i found one that didn’t disappoint

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uh oh, i think we created a monster out of chris sails butt cheeks

You can’t let someone know one of their bawdy parts is the main star.

chris sails butt cheeks was a Fox-vine conversation,
but ever since his leakage went viral over the weekend,
it’s probably gonna need it’s own manager and publicist.
he addressed the sudden interest in his assets:

they would have really been on it when he was smaller and it was hard to ignore:

it use to have queen going feral.
it’s the side curvage and ( Y ) on it.
ya’ll know what i’m fontin’ about.

a F-BI sent in some more alleged leakage of chris sail’s backside and…

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stefon diggs decided to bring his own cake to celebrate his ASICS sneaker

I have a low-key crush on NFL baller wolf,
Stefon Diggs.

he isn’t like the others i’ve crushed on but i think that’s why he’s so hot to me.
he’s regula but a sexy regula.
not only that,
he is very charismatic,
and has hella personality.

i tend to really like that in all my wolves.
those traits that can have someone ruining your life and credit too.

i saw that he celebrated his signature shoe with ASICS in new yawk a few weeks ago.
congrats to him on that.
i couldn’t help but notice something tho…

Continue reading “stefon diggs decided to bring his own cake to celebrate his ASICS sneaker”

was The Foxhole really fooled by him?

anytime i see a male advertising his tail,
i always get the impression he wants something in it
especially when it’s his signature bawdy part that the Foxhole love.
not his arms,
or his chest,
even his print,
but his backside is what gets the most attention.

I am one of the official founders of “Foxes Love Big Cheeks Too!”.
Its a place where foxes who love a nice tail can admit their truth and feel safe.

when you are this male like the one above,
i was waiting for the day when i knew it was coming.

he could have fooled some of ya’ll…

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