angie stone, our black diamond, has passed away

when i was young fox,
going through depression,
i saw this video pop on BET and it gave me instant peace:

“Ain’t No Rain In This Cloud”

i love good songs that are current but composed like past generations.
i begged my mother to buy me her debut album,
black diamond“,
after i heard her second single:

I LOVED the vibe of “Alright”.

after i got the album,
i proceeded to listen to it every day.
i loved her second album,
“mahogany soul”,
even though that album also brings back not so great memories.
safe to font that even though i stopped keeping up with her,
i have always fucked wit angie stone.


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the father of mine who will soon not remember me anymore

Have you ever felt guilty for not feeling more?

i remember the first time i went out with my father and actually enjoyed it.
i was like 8 and he took me to the zoo

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great love deaths come in twos?

If you had asked me a few years ago,
I would’ve said I’d be devastated if Work Wolf died.
If he died tomorrow,
I probably wouldn’t care.
That is a done deal.

it’s funny how time and perspective change everything,
isn’t it?

last night,
one of my good friends told me her great love had passed away unexpectedly.

i never met him but the news hit harder than i expected

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a love that lived in the shadows but the door is closed for good

How do you grieve someone you weren’t supposed to love?

I knew he was married.

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tears of a clown

I couldn’t help but wonder:
Are we all just sad clowns,
performing for an audience that never truly sees us?

i won’t even hold you but i spent most of the day crying.

i’ve never been one to shy away from expressing about my issues.
it was a struggle for me to get anything done.
i’ve been feeling like I’m wearing two masks.
one is the one everyone expects

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jay hefner’s life was stole and we’ll never know

Words can be powerful,
almost like spells,
and they hold weight in tragic moments like the following.

kelly rowland has a song called “stole that really resonates right now:

“His life was stole and we’ll never knowwww…”

that’s exactly how i felt upon hearing the heartbreaking news about saiveon hopkins,
known to many as jay hefner on only fans…

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