the mole people are taking over new yawk (and they are driving the rich folks outta here)

Day of Outrage demonstration at the Jay Street-Borough Hall subway station following the Howard Beach verdict on December 21, 1987 in which three defendants were found guilty of manslaughter in the death of Michael Griffith who was beaten and chased by a white mob onto a highway where he was struck by a car. © Ricky Flores

one of my home-wolves asked me last night if i could move anywhere in new yawk,
where would i go?
without a doubt,
i said “bk“.
he told me i was wyldin’.
he said bk has gotten violent af and he from there.
i responded:

“Um homie,
all of NY has gotten violent af.”

new yawk seems to be reverting back to how it was back in the day.
there is heavy mole people problem down in the upper west side via “the post“…

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