Maybe I Shouldn’t Have Answered The Phone? (Yeah But I Did Tho)

oksomewhere between deciding if i should watch scandal or glee first,
since everyone was crying over the latter,
i got a phone call from someone i didn’t think i would hear from again last night.
it was star fox.
a look of pure shock landed on my face.
i was hoping i’d answer the phone,
proceed to cuss him the fuck out,
and then wait for the logic explanation.
witness protection?
i know that wasn’t gonna happen because unless he knows a good plastic surgeon,
that was him we buried a couple months ago.
when i answered,
it was mama fox.
she was crying.

“omg are you okay?” i asked.
no i’m not.” she responded.
“whats going on?” i asked.

maybe i shouldn’t have asked that…

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