Molest My Butt Cheeks With a Dead Animal While I Pop This Other Molly

tumblr_mopexwT9Ye1surm5ko1_500get ready for this.
seriously foxhole.
i must have watched this without blinking…

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B Scott Has Dirty Sex And Then Smokes A Cigarette

Oh wow.
That’s all I will say about that.
Here are a few more pictures…

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I’m Willing To Suck and Get Fucked To Be A Star

You get your first hit when you get a little bit of attention.
Then, you start craving it more and more.
That high you got the first time…
you need that again and again.
So, you start thinking of ways to get more.
You start selling bits and pieces of your soul.
Then you see others just like you.
What they do starts to take over your mind.
Next thing you know, you are addicted and your mind is completely gone.

FAME can be a horrible drug to overdose on.

I def saw myself wanting to be addicted to FAME at one point.
I craved the 25,000 followers and the attention that came with it.
But in this new day and age,
social media being the way of self expression,
and random people doing the most outrageous things to get seen:


The high that people receive when everyone knows their name is better than any form of weed or cocaine.
But, what happens when FAME starts to take over your mind?
What happens when you start being controlled by FAME?
What happens when you lose your FAME and have to turn social tricks to get it again?
Why does everyone, who are actually no ones, chase FAME?
I started to wonder…

Why is everyone trying to be the STAR?

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