an F-BI made sure we had bunz the day before thanksgiving

When you come over for Thanksgiving,
you gotta bring something.

you can’t just roll up empty handed with the stomach to match.
an F-BI decided to bring the bunz as an appetizer.
i got a drop that said:

and then it was followed with this

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do you think peanut the squirrel was putting nuts in this hole?

Allegedly fonting,
of course.

I’m late on this (w)hole Peanut the Squirrel debacle.

over the weekend,
i ended up watching this video from tiktok about it.

in a nutshell,
no pun intended,
the owner should not have had that squirrel in the first place.
peanut and a pet racoon ended up getting taken away and euthanized.
in that tikok,
it was mentioned the owner was attractive so i wanted to be nosy.

he is “one of those”.

the Fox-vine was fonting that even tho he has a wife,
he seems to allegedly appeal to gay males.
so then i went down even more of a hole than i should have.
i landed in a deep one.

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flashman wade’s spread: a growing concern

Is Flashman Wade trading in his “thick” card for a little extra…

aging can be a tricky game.
what once turned heads as thick can suddenly spill over into the fat.
flashman wade still thick but has his station wagon become an SUV?
is it just me or…

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the wolf with the cheek print in his sweats

I didn’t really see too many fine “risk it all” wolves last night.
That or I’m outgrowing basic hood wolves.
There was one tho…

so i had to rush to the bathroom after i watched “smile 2”.
it was packed in there but when i walked in,
i was met with the fattest pair of butt cheeks i’ve seen in a while.

And he had the nerve to wear tight sweats to highlight it.

some wolves don’t play fair.
head on,
you could see the outline of both cheeks in the sweats,

but from the side

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are you in the mood for a big brazilian?

there is something about a latino wolf that really turns me on.
there is something about a latino wolf with a nice tail that drives me crazy.
latinos tend to be very sexual even when they are trying not to be.
they know this too.
many of them tend to be fluid even tho they try to act the opposite.
this brazilian wolf is one of those wolves.
not only does he have the tail i like but

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how many sex positions can you do in one minute?

am i the only one who thinks the straights are getting a little weird?
they use to talk so much shit about us but these days:

I think the straights are weird AF.

now i don’t know if these two are gay,
cause they’ll be still weird if they’re gay,
but they decided to show us a ton of sex positions but in one minute

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