you think trump took anything amber rose said on that stage seriously?

Amber Rose.
poor Amber Rose.

going hard for trump and then showing up at the rnc?

amber always seemed like a vixen who lost her way.
her looks and bawdy moves got her far but…

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it’s the name of the game in these social media forests.
when any kind of drama hits,
it’s a goldmine for clout and clicks.
our presidential candidates?
they’re serving up content like it’s a buffet for this election.
they tried to take trump out,
and guess what?

Continue reading “MANY MEN WISH DEATH ‘PON TRUMP!”

he was feeling up that arm and i don’t blame that white man

it’s no secret that many white males love a big,
(in their) tail.

i mean,
we all do especially after a long and hard day.
this white wolf we all know looks like arms and biceps are his weakness.
what a coinky dink!
mine too!

i think he might have forgotten all lens are on him tho…

Continue reading “he was feeling up that arm and i don’t blame that white man”

are you part of “the boys” yet?

Fonting of The Boys…

i’ve realized that when i don’t watch something everyone is raving about,
it’s because i’m not ready for the message yet.
there are countless shows i’ve skipped because my spirit wasn’t prepared.
take “the boys” on amazon prime-
i’d heard the buzz but wasn’t feeling it.

out of nowhere over the weekend,
i felt this pull to start watching.
let me font you,

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erron vonner looks good with or without clothes?

erron vonner.
i’m not even gonna hold you but…

He is probably the sexiest attentionisto out right now.

he got the facials and his bawdys is on point.

i love the shape of his head.
many of you are obsessed with ( x his feets ).
he do be having some nice feets.
the other day,
a vix-bi alerted me for the dragging he got for this outfit he wore a while back.
his style is usually on point but:

someone in his comments asked if he was going to goofy’s wedding.
you know what

the outfit was perfect before he put on that hideous vest on.

Styling tip: if you feel like you are doing too much with your fit,
take off the last thing you put on.

that’s okay because a Foxholer sent in an alleged drop and if this is him,
i like him even better with the clothes off

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porn star, hot rod, doesn’t seem to be so hot right now

I knew when I saw Hot Rod with PRK,
I felt something was off with him.

what they don’t tell you about being a porn star is…

Some folks aren’t as strong as they seem.

they don’t tell you about is the wear and tear on your body and soul.
they don’t tell you about the drugs to make it more bearable also.
many aren’t actually sex-positive or slut-strutting shame-free.
many are drowning in severe mental health issues.
like the entertainment industry,
you’re fed to the vultures once the porn industry is done with you.
a little Foxie sent me an update about hot rod,
a veteran in black gay porn.

someone spotted him at a train station in new yawk and…

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