Your “Instant Gratification” Is Depressing You

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sometimes i feel like muscles are “instant gratification”.
one of the reasons why…

…some of these animals live in the gym.
be at the gym from 2am to 3am.
they are never satisfied because they fall victim to instant gratification.
this even goes for anyone flossin’ and flexin’.

random sex

why are celebs always depressed and suicidal?
we are all out here chasing instant gratification.
some could stand to work on our mental situations.
that would explain why we keep doing the same thing,
expecting the same results,
and putting up memes and quotes out of frustration.

























…but what do i know?


lowkey: my mental has been getting a nice clean up.
trying to get rid of the last of this “ww” shit,
but i’m moving in a good direction.
what about you?

5 thoughts on “Your “Instant Gratification” Is Depressing You

  1. @King you better Preach Boy, I am sitting here saying Amen. As someone with a natural analytical mind, I think I have learn more about people and psychology from Instagram and Snapchat than I have ever learned in a college class. These good looking dudes with these powerful bodies are some of the most weak minded men I have ever seen in my life. They are beyond super sensitive to any kind of criticism. The likes they get and the attention must insulate them from the real world. I will be the first to admit that social media attention can be addictive. I have had a couple of somewhat well known dudes like a couple of my pics and follow me on IG and I took it as a great compliment to be recognized and a couple of these workout boutiques on IG have asked me to consider being a model for their brand but I have to take that with a grain of salt as none of these likes and bootleg endorsements are paying any of my bills. I still have to get up and go to this shitty job everyday.

    I get so sick of seeing so many of these boys thinking that they are the $hit when they are average at best especially on Snap, if you can see your favorite attentionista’s and their daily interaction, you will probably do like me and un-follow many of them. Many of these dudes are so freaking shallow but hell I cant be surprised when most all of them got is a nice face and or body and nothing of substance. They are always threatening to block someone, like who cares, you go around half naked and then get offended when you get unwanted attention. We have talked about this so much in the foxhole.

    Personally for myself, I have met many of my body goals, but my mental still needs a lot of work and it is a much harder exercise than beating up this iron in the gym. When these looks fade and these bodies start to droop, it is going to be a lot of social media disasters. Just wait we are slowly approaching the end of days because so many people are going to be lost without affirmation from strangers when the attention starts to fade.

  2. I love this! Many of the people we seem to worship and idolize for their looks often have to keep up their appearances because their unhealthy mental state and nasty attitude would turn people away immediately if they didn’t look good.

    These individuals also tend to have inadequacies inside that they feel they can cover up if they look good on the outside, instead of really dealing with the issue head-on.

    It’s really sad. There are so many great looking men I follow on social media who turn me off as soon as they open their mouths. I can’t do it.

    1. ^i soooo agree King.
      sadly social media has ruined the “mystery” of some of these animals.
      maybe it’s a good thing tho…

  3. My mental health had been on a downward spiral for over a month now. Triggered by family, aided by work, finances…I’ve never been this defeated mentally. I must admit though exercising, veggies and fruits has helped a bit. Instant or not it’s taken some of the slouch out of my shoulders. If things don’t improve soon I may have to seek professional help. Is what it is…

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