P.O.W (Pretty Official Wolf)

Screen Shot 2014-04-07 at 8.11.16 PMyou see that?
so an f-bi sent me this model wolf and i thought he was pretty cute.
okay scratch that
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Keep The Lights Off!


tumblr_mscoiow5re1r0ym1eo1_500oh good lord…
giphy i’m so horny today.

Cum In My Vortex (Lookin’ Ass Nig)

a_560x0i see him.
you lookin ass nig
i see we gonna play this game.
well its not like i haven’t played it many times before.
you know the one.
he gon’ be the only one who acts standoffish and cold with me.
all while he is imagining what his cock would feel like in my mouth.
bang bang…
Continue reading “Cum In My Vortex (Lookin’ Ass Nig)”

All Dogs Go To Heaven

rhoa-s6-ep12-kenya-velvetwatching #rhoa tonight,
i really felt sorry for kenya moore.
of course people were laughing at her online,
but only certain kinds of people would understand.
if you didn’t see the episode,
then you shouldn’t go underneath the break…

Continue reading “All Dogs Go To Heaven”


ocd_logo_black1i think i have ocd.
a mild case.
i think…
Continue reading “OCD (ONLY CREATING DRAMA)”

MEAT: (586)


tumblr_mzrpaxEMVN1s6csv0o1_500well actually…
i’d like this tattooed hunk of meat in bed with me after.
we gon’ read the bible and talk about our favorite scriptures.
i promise.