notes – 310am

i shoulda been in bed,
but i needed to get the following off my chest.
it’s been a tough week for me emotionally,
but tonight really brought me to my knees.
i hate feeling lost and not in control.
for this entry,
i decided to speak my thoughts…

thanks for listening.

8 thoughts on “notes – 310am

  1. You’ve hit how I’ve been feeling for the past year or so. The straights and the women knowing you will never have that, the emotional crumbs, the having to keep up, the wanting to matter, all of it. I feel like it’s an abyss that’s impossible to get out of.

    You’re not alone J.

  2. It was really heavy and heartbreaking hearing what you shared Jamari, but I’m glad that you got this off your chest. Jamari, trust that you are a beautiful soul with a natural talent in your craft and you deserve all the love, recognition and stans you can get, cause you have what it takes to make it big!

    You’re going through a really tough time now but please know that this is only temporary and it will get better and that we care for you from all over the globe (even the Caribbean where I’m from) and know you’ll overcome this all. Your blog has been like a safe space for me during my own struggles with coming to terms with my sexuality and depression during my high school & college years, and I can imagine this for a lot of us out there dealing with the same issues.

    You will find that man that makes you feel special and completes you, I have faith that you will :)!

  3. It was really heavy and heartbreaking hearing what you shared Jamari, but I’m glad that you got this off your chest. Jamari, trust that you are a beautiful soul with a natural talent in your craft and you deserve all the love, recognition and stans you can get, cause you have what it takes to make it big!

    You’re going through a really tough time now but please know that this is only temporary and it will get better and that we care for you from all over the globe (even the Caribbean where I’m from) and know you’ll overcome this all. Your blog has been like a safe space for me during my own struggles with coming to terms with my sexuality and depression during my high school & college years, and I can imagine this for a lot of us out there dealing with the same issues.

    You will find that man that makes you feel special and completes you, I have faith that you will :)!

  4. This is for you and everyone on the foxhole my friend:

    I matter. I love myself. I am worthy. I am valuable. I have a great purpose. I radiate beauty. I have a gift to give to the world. I deserve to be happy. I am intelligent. I am growing. I am healing. I am evolving. I am learning. I am creating a better life for myself. I will get through this.

  5. Hello Jamari
    Thanks for sharing man. Depression is real and sometimes very dangerous.
    You bring so much joy to alot of people man.
    We may not know you personally but we care about you man.
    Suicide is never the answer man 🙏
    We all go through rough times and sometimes it seems like it can’t get better…but it does man!
    I’ve had it all and lost it all. I was homeless for two years.
    All the people I thought was my friend was not there.
    A learning lesson in deed.
    The one thing that kept me going was my mom. I knew I had to get off the streets to be there for her.
    I did get off the streets and things started to look up, but then my mom got sick and passed from cancer.
    It’s hard man.
    Life can suck believe me.
    Always remember bro baby steps.
    Some days are better than others.
    You will get through it man.

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