MEAT: (724)


tumblr_lxq1hyQSw51rn5hyzo1_500this wolf wants someone to join him in the jacuzzi right quick…


…and he cums with his own floating device.

lowkey: did not expect that at the end.

24 thoughts on “MEAT: (724)

  1. lord my mouth drooled at both corners and was as wet as his shorts at the end lawd have jesus help me

    1. That’s gay men for you. Catty af. Especially when they see one of their own.

      But let Jamari post a straight guy for “Wolf Meat” and you’ll have everyone parched from their back throats drooling to the 10th power.

      I’ve noticed this too. Gay men are typically more cruel to other gay men and lust after straight men knowing damn well they don’t want them. But i digress. Just an observation.

  2. He aiight. His eggplant gives you something to think about but his tattoos are not attractive at all.

    1. jet setting ballroom queen lmao.

      Big piece but most bottoms wouldn’t get past that.

      Plus, he’s kind of a douchebag honestly

  3. Uhm…his body looks like a lick n paste tattoo from a piece of bubble gum….HARD PASS

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