learn to put the people who left your life on do not disturb too

it looks like they’re having fun without you.
you’ve called and texted to no answer.
please stop.
you creep on their social media and it’s “the life of the party“.
they’re up in everyone else’s social media but yours.
it makes you feel a certain way and you can be honest about that.

I want The Foxhole to never apologize for feeling human.

so you spend your days wondering what you did.
did you insult them?
did someone say something to them that turned them off from you?
why are you getting the cold shoulder with no context?
it sucks because i’ve been there.
i was telling my therapist about a similar situation and he hit me with a quote that shook me…

“Once you feel you are avoided by someone never disturb them again.” – unknown

no sending dms.
no texts.
no phone calls.
carrier pigeons and smoke screens no more.

i’ve noticed something about those types who do that:

They’re never who they appeared to be

cowardly lions they tend to be.

i think thats where the disappointment lies tbh.
they came off so big and bad,
but when it came to you,
they ran under the fridge.
the people you had high hopes for can be the most disappointing and i’m here to font ya that it’s okay.
one thing i like about me is if you ignore me,
i always follow suit.
that might be a cancer thing tbh.
once we unlatch our claws from someone,
it’s truly over.
it might hurt my feelings but…

I refuse to be a pick me

you won’t be one either.
once someone you were cool with leaves your life with no explanation,
it’s in your best interest not to disturb them.
don’t even stalk their social media.
don’t give energy to anyone who threw you out like trash.
you know what they say?
one person’s trash is another person(s) treasure.

you’re not missing much anyway.

They’re probably doing basic shit.

…and even if they’re doing amazing shit,
it’s still not interesting cause they’re doing it.

























and it’s okay to be petty af.

you can wish em well but good shade never goes on dnd.
if you know your hands are clean,
always remember:

You’re dope af and anyone who doesn’t want to be in your life is NOT.

lowkey: things don’t hit the same once you go to therapy.
everyone who hurt you look ugly and wack.
no one is doing anything dope because you’re the shit regardless.

2 thoughts on “learn to put the people who left your life on do not disturb too

  1. People seek out who they want in their lives. And sometimes we forget that the people we are seeking are also seeking. And the truth is, that who they are seeking might not be us. Most likely, there are those who were seeking us. that we’ve forgotten and probably discarded much in the same ways we hated, when its done to us. It is truly a viscous cycle.

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