He Heard Me (Thank God)

tumblr_nrgj8rN5PP1qc2waio1_500its so funny,
but when i call out to star fox or god for help,
i get an answer.
it almost scary how it happens.
so everyone knows i stream td jakes service every sunday.
i am a faithful potter’s house e-member.
this week was the t.o.r.i graduates and retired baller wolf,
ray lewis,
was invited to speak.
well he was tugging on my heart strings so i started to cry.
it took church to release everything i was storing inside.
in the middle of my weeping,
i prayed that god and star fox for help.
well no sooner than i said that,
i got a text on my phone…

textfromkarit was from karaoke.
lets say i cried summo.
it goes to show that when you need god,
or a deceased best friend who happens to be my angel,
they always know when to show up for me.
i can ask star fox for help and i’ll get an answer in some way.
i am grateful.
now my spirit is telling me to call out tomorrow.
maybe i should listen.


5 thoughts on “He Heard Me (Thank God)

  1. To quote my grandma “won’t the good lord do it!” Lol

    This just goes to show you that everything is happening for a reason, you could be going through this to get an even bigger blessing.

    1. ^you are definitely on to something mikey.

      when that text came in and I read it,
      i could not stop praising god.
      that blew my mind.

      1. You should do another home spa day to release all of the negativity out of your body. I think you should totally watch Amy Schumer because laughter is good for the heart and you been kinda depress, moody and blah so as your doctor I am recommending you to watch only comedy shows to lift up your spirit.

      2. I totally agree with Lindo Amy Schumer is fucking hilarious, her show on Comedy Central at times has me dying with laughter.

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