do you think you will survive your own game of thrones?

*i just sold “game of thrones” to a friend of mine.
now that she has free time,
she is thinking about watching that epic series.
i try to keep in mind that the final season didn’t happen,
but she didn’t need to know that.

i’ve been thinking a lot about that show tho,
especially “the starks” storyline.
for those who watched,
did you notice (light spoilers) that if…

if ned,
and rob didn’t die,
or they all didn’t get separated,
they wouldn’t have leveled up the way they did?

those bad things had to happen so they could unleash their inner powers.
they all learned the art of finding self by being thrown to the jackals and hyenas.
if they didn’t,
their story lines definitely wouldn’t have happened.
the two that stand out:

Sansa learned to play the game and literally had folks killed without lifting a finger
Arya was the who saved them all if she didn’t learn to be an assassin

hell even theon had to suffering as “reek” to find his purpose.
all of this made me think about life too.
sometimes we…

…need to lose it all in order to be who need to be
…need to go through extreme pain to take life more seriously
…need to lose someone in order to find someone better

better yet,
sometimes a person(s) needs to lose YOU so they can appreciate you better.
he/she might have left,
and it hurts like fuck,
but they might need to become better in order to deal with you.



















you emotionally kill them off so you can make room for the right one.

life is like a big ass game of thrones.
we are all fighting for different things in life.


mine has been literally like a stark child.

I was thrown into these forests as a spoiled and naive child.
People took advantage of me,
but I learned how people operate.
I’ve grown to be a lot stronger,
learned how to handle my emotions,
and didn’t let strange dick be my downfall.
I learned patience and how to fight back when someone violates.
Learning which battles to fight helped a lot as well.

i like to think i ended up being the anti-hero in my story.
i’m sure your backstory to how “you” is just as interesting.
you either got humbled or became the villain.
i love when folks underestimate someone,
but that person ends up being the king or queen.

for this season of our lives,
instead of an army of the dead trying to destroy us,
we are battling the Rona.
all of our kingdoms are on the verge of being destroyed,
but we will see whose life has taught them how to fight and survive.
i keep forgetting how far i’ve come and what battles i’ve been in.



low-key: it feels scary right now,
but i’ve been through worst.
new tests always bring about old insecurities tho.

6 thoughts on “do you think you will survive your own game of thrones?

  1. I started binge watching the series now that I have the time and I’m on season 5. Life in Westeros is indeed brutal. Despite the tapestry most of that world smells like shit, there’s no toilet paper nor running water. No real medical doctors or dentists. No Starbucks, no iPad Pros. I couldn’t survive there 😅

    Seriously though, what we’re experiencing right now is no Game of Thrones. We have everything we need to survive this crisis. The people having the most difficult time are those who were dependent on social stimuli and distraction. Thankfully I’m not one of those people.

  2. Yasssss Sansa ❤️! 👏👏 Put some respect on her name. Sis came a LONG way deadass 😂😂 High-key idolize her fr fr. The Robb Stark gif hurt me though lml That was hubby right there. And you right Jamari, life is literally a game of thrones. Pretty sure there are some Littlefingers out there taking advantage of this whole entire pandemic situation.

    1. ^you know i LOVE sansa.
      when i think back to her journey,
      it’s so similar to mine.
      sansa had the biggest character arc in that show.
      legit thought she would perish by ramsey.

      and another thing!
      if she didn’t learn to play the game with the lannisters,
      she definitely wouldn’t have survived ramsey bolton.
      the lessons of today are for situations for tomorrow.

      1. LMAO “legit thought she would perish by Ramsay” 😂😂😂 Felt that. Boyyyyyy I was SHOOK when he got his hands on her. Crossed her name off the Stark List and errythang 😩 I definitely agree with you though Jamari. As traumatic and heartbreaking her storyline got, she came out of that inferno soaring. Our hardships make us grow stronger and can sometimes (like in Queen Sansa’s case) change us for the better.

  3. You’re not a good person, Jamari. Never watched but was regularly recapped by a friend of mine and whenever I bring up the last season they ask what I’m talking about and if I keep teasing, get upset and tell me not to speak about it again. You’re deceiving your friend to be enraged like the rest of you were. Very very cruel if you ask me!


      i don’t want to turn them off tho!
      i made sure to mention “the red wedding” and how brutal it was to keep eyes on the prize.

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