You May See A Trans In Your School Bathroom Soon

tumblr_mcczxuXlFi1qe6vsbo1_1280-1so obama is trying to go with a bang,
i read this and was completely blown away.
so obama is ordering public schools to allow trans to have access to public bathrooms.
well whatever bathroom matches their identity.
if they don’t,
the school will lose funding.
read this via the new york times

The Obama administration is planning to issue a sweeping directive telling every public school district in the country to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity.

A letter to school districts will go out Friday, adding to a highly charged debate over transgender rights in the middle of the administration’s legal fight with North Carolina over the issue. The declaration — signed by Justice and Education department officials — will describe what schools should do to ensure that none of their students are discriminated against.

It does not have the force of law, but it contains an implicit threat: Schools that do not abide by the Obama administration’s interpretation of the law could face lawsuits or a loss of federal aid.

The move is certain to draw fresh criticism, particularly from Republicans, that the federal government is wading into local matters and imposing its own values on communities across the country that may not agree. It represents the latest example of the Obama administration using a combination of policies, lawsuits and public statements to change the civil rights landscape for gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender people.

After supporting the rights of gay people to marry, allowing them to serve openly in the military and prohibiting federal contractors from discriminating against them, the administration is wading into the battle over bathrooms and siding with transgender people.

“No student should ever have to go through the experience of feeling unwelcome at school or on a college campus,” John B. King Jr., the secretary of the Department of Education, said in a statement. “We must ensure that our young people know that whoever they are or wherever they come from, they have the opportunity to get a great education in an environment free from discrimination, harassment and violence.”

Courts have not settled the question of whether the nation’s sex discrimination laws apply in matters of gender identity. But administration officials, emboldened by a federal appeals court ruling in Virginia last month, think they have the upper hand. This week, the Justice Department and North Carolina sued each other over a state law that restricts access to bathrooms, locker rooms and changing rooms. The letter to school districts had been in the works for months, Justice Department officials said.

A school’s obligation under federal law “to ensure nondiscrimination on the basis of sex requires schools to provide transgender students equal access to educational programs and activities even in circumstances in which other students, parents, or community members raise objections or concerns,” the letter states. “As is consistently recognized in civil rights cases, the desire to accommodate others’ discomfort cannot justify a policy that singles out and disadvantages a particular class of students.”

As soon as a child’s parent or legal guardian asserts a gender identity for the student that “differs from previous representations or records,” the letter says, the child is to be treated accordingly — without any requirement for a medical diagnosis or birth certificate to be produced. It says that schools may — but are not required to — provide other restroom and locker room options to students who seek “additional privacy” for whatever reason.

Attached to the letter, the Obama administration will include a 25-page document describing “emerging practices” that are in place in many schools around the country. Those included installing privacy curtains or allowing students to change in bathroom stalls.

rs_500x281-160406142120-500-I-Am-Cait-206-Caitlyn-Jenner-Dancing…now i have no issue with trans.
let me be clear.
my thing is…
we got more pressing issues with this country,
and in our school system,
but this is what he wants passed asapy?


























rs_500x281-150209094336-prince-3i’m baffled.
i have a feeling this may not go well,
but i’m sure it will make for exciting news!

lowkey: did he make quick laws for all these black cubs dying at the hands of police?
or the dirty water is flint?
welp the trans will get to use the bathroom in two shakes of a fox tail.
well alright…

full article: ny times

19 thoughts on “You May See A Trans In Your School Bathroom Soon

  1. If you start with “now i have no issue with trans” you know you have some, otherwise you wouldn’t feel the need to justify yourself. I’m sure there were more pressing issues than gay wedding but we were all happy with SCOTUS decision. The issue you feel are more pressing are less for someone. There will always be a more pressing issue than any issue. How about just be happy for the trans kids?

  2. All in all, I live in Texas so I’m not particularly bothered by it.

    Government: “Follow this law!”
    Texas: “Nah we good”

    Lol this is a white school problem essentially. At Booker T Washington high school and Martin Luther King elementary in the hood you will go to whatever bathroom matches your sexual organs.

  3. I don’t have much to say on this. But all I’m saying is that if you’re a trans going into the bathroom of your “identified sex” then you better not let it be known because there are a lot of crazies out there. Transmen who go to men’s bathroom better learn how to “pass” because men don’t fuck around when it comes to their manhood. Imagine a man finding out that somebody who was born a woman is in the men’s bathroom? They wouldn’t be take you seriously as a “man”. Especially the way society is set up. Because men don’t respect women in general. So I could only imagine..

    And the women seeing transwomen come in the bathroom would be even worse.. All hell would break loose. Plus “passing” is way more difficult for transwomen because male features are very distinctive. Imagine a 6’4 person with broad shoulders and a wig comes in the lady’s bathroom? Lmao mess….

  4. The question that should be asked is what is going on psychologically in the head of a child for them to ”decide” to ”change” genders? That certainly is a sign of some sort of psychological trauma, abuse or white supremacy programming.

    1. True. Also, people fail to realize that he got a lot of funding from different LGBT organizations and that is why he is pushing the agenda. It is sad that he shows favoritism towards a few groups and letting one side of his heritage get killed and is only giving speeches but no executive orders for us. Their are black children’s dying daily but he wants to focus on securing a legacy for the LGBT community. I voted for him two times and feel as though that was a mistake. I can’t believe that a bathroom is a big issue but other things that is going on is being swept to the way side. The transgender community is being selfish and not be sensitive to the children and natural born women in our society.

      1. Exactly! How about worrying about getting more funding for schools in general?!

        Has anyone visited a public school in a low income neighborhood recently. I have and it was a deplorable experience.

        Our education system is crap compared to other countries, but he has y’all focused on bathrooms?!

        What about gun control? Any psychotic person can go to a sporting goods store and buy a gun and shoot up a public place, but he has y’all cheering on a bathroom

        People who choose to go to college and improve themselves for a better life are getting deeper and deeper in debt before they even start a career, while others can sit at home, get a disability check, food stamps, and pay $30 for housing.

        He isn’t multi tasking, he’s pandering. Rule number of voting: Make sure the person you’re voting for is going to pander to you!

    2. People say the same thing about gay people though. They believe that it was “influenced” somehow.

      I do think it’s a bit questionable on how a person would want to remove their gender anatomies just to replicate the opposite sex but who am I to judge… Because back in the day I’m sure “trans hormones” weren’t a thing so how were they getting by? They weren’t Gender reassignment surgery either so how did they “transition”? How did they live their lives? These are questions that need answers…

      Like I can’t imagine wanting to remove my penis and take hormones just to feel content with myself. It’s all so puzzling..

      I’m just curious that’s all.

    3. What is going on psychologically in the head of a person in general for them to “decide” to love a same sex person? why gay people have so many issues with the trans i don’t get it. They’re nothing wrong with trans. A person gender is not only define by sexual organs or chromosome or hormome but also by how you feel about yourself. so i you feel trap in the wrong body i say change it and be happy.

      1. Thank you! I think the underlying issue is how we construct gender. Does a person with a penis HAVE to be a “man”? And adopt a particular performance?

  5. If he did something for black people or any other minority, someone would still be saying “we have more pressing issues”. It’s politics, someone has to draw the short straw. Can’t please everyone.

    1. EXACTLY. People act like all their issues need to be catered to at once. And the last time I checked, there are NO laws opposing black people from doing ANYTHING. This isn’t the 60s. Some folks love to complain just for the sake of complaining. However there’s a lot laws that don’t protect the LGBT community. We are people too. So that needs to change. I’m not opposing anything to do with BLM, but I feel like some people are just very selfish. Period.

  6. um, okay, sooo…… If you a bitch that lives in NYC, DC, Chicago or LA, I’m quite sure you’ve seen a tranny or 2 or 3 attending a meeting in the ladies room. Esp, if you are a club head.

  7. He sure has done a lot for the LGBT community and immigrants but the black people get a nice speech. I guess we should probably be glad he did nonviolent drug offender thing.

    I’ve honestly grown weary of the Democrat party as a whole. That’s one thing Azealia Banks wasn’t off base with. What have they done for us as a people? Created a nice system for lazy people to live off of while the people working never get anywhere. Now they’ve moved on to pandering to gays and immigrants because that’s where the votes are.

    If Trump wasn’t such an awful person I wouldn’t be opposed to a Republican winning the election.

    1. You SHOULD be worried about the “democratic” party. MOST of them are all bought and paid for by big companies to perpetuate their republican ideals. There really isn’t a democratic party in your country, at least in the way we like to think of democratic. The only one good candidate you guys have isn’t winning, but isn’t out of the race. I’ll just leave it at that and sip my tea lol.

    2. And what exactly are those nice Republicans going to do for black people again?

  8. And the fact is, many have been doing so all along anyway…without even knowing it — and it didn’t affect them one way or another.
    I’m all for it,..and feel confident this President is capable of multi-tasking.

  9. when I read about this earlier I was shocked and happy that the president is doing this. I don’t think any student should have to be persecuted for using the bathroom as the sex they identify as.

    I know there are going to be a people against it just like there are people against gay marriage and other things related to the LGBT community. All people from the community are asking for are the same basic rights that everyone else is afforded. I appreciate that our president is still trying to make changes and make a difference up to the very end of his term.

  10. Just remember it was not long ago the general public was in support of separate bathrooms for blacks and whites and Black people in the US couldn’t drink from the same water fountain. I totally support what the Govt is doing. It’s their job to make sure no ” minority” is discriminated against.

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