Vince Wilfork Got A Whole Lotta Meat For ESPN

Screen Shot 2016-07-04 at 4.53.39 PMso more images of from the “2016 espn bawdy issue” are coming out.
this time it’s from nose tackle of the houston texans,
vince wilfork,
to show the goods…

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that is 6’2 and 325lbs of meat for ya.
you know what tho?
i love his confidence.
his beautiful wife,
loves all that confidence as well.
she had 3 cubs with him.
i admire those who are confident like vince.
they truly gives no fucks and that’s always inspiring.


pictures credited: instagram | espn

13 thoughts on “Vince Wilfork Got A Whole Lotta Meat For ESPN

  1. You just have to watch a few episode of the show Cheaters to see that Black women will be crying and fighting over fat dudes, and most gay dudes are confused because anything over a 34 waist in the gay community is considered obese. Women have a much different perception about size, I even see this with Black gay women, the prettiest girls have fat stud girlfriends. When I show my before and after weight loss pics to Black women every single one of them tell me that I was fine before and they dont see nothing wrong. When I show these same pics to a gay man, they all say damn you was big or you lost a lot of weight. I think when a man is 6ft or taller most Black women dont care how much he weighs, they perceive him to be big and strong, now I have seen shorter bigger dudes get hated on. This dude will get a lot of play and love from most women and most Black gay men will run in the opposite direction. It is rare to see a fat gay dude with a fit gay dude unless some money is involved. Its nothing in the Black community to see a beautiful woman with an out of shape man or vice versa a fit dude with a overweight woman. But what I have observe though in the last couple of years is a lot of younger dudes who like bigger thicker dudes and this may come from seeing the type of men their mother’s desire or date. I will say these big dudes have amazing confidence to pose like this because honestly I couldnt strip down like that for the world to see unless my body was on 10.

  2. I am happy to see ESPN doing covers like this! Most people assume that only women have problems with representation of body types in media but men do as well. Especially among gay black men. I am always here for guys on the thicker side of the spectrum. Prince Fielder’s cover from last year got me going lol.

  3. @CAZ: Agreed. I always say time is the best karma with 98% of these dudes. Options dwindle as they get older because they become victims of their own preferences and they’re no longer the attractive, young ones. The ironic part is most of them are terrified of being alone and that becomes the most likely outcome.

    Lol its funny to me because I’m kind of petty lmaooo

  4. Not like Jamari to post anyone above a size 32 waist-no shade. i know its hard to believe but not all large men have self esteem issues. Despite the fact that overweight gay men are treated worse than those with an hiv+ diagnosis, straight men of a certain size still find love and acceptance in this world…

    1. I don’t think its an issue specific to Jamari, so much as a larger issue with gay/bi men.

      I don’t think a large amount of women care about body types at all. I see big men or men that are not fit in the least with gorgeous women. Muscles and a slim waist are an accessory with them, not a prerequisite.

      I bet Vince can lift heavier and run faster than a lot of dudes with more “appealing” bodies.

      1. I think men in general seem to be more superficial than women in terms of who they will entertain. But I do think straight men can be a little more realistic about what league they are in.

      2. I have to disagree with Opm, most straight men, big or small, swing for the fence, they all feel like they deserve a dime. a broke fit guy and a big guy with money both gonna go for the same “bad bitch” in the club. With gays its different, you cant even approach most if your of a certain size regardless of what els you bring to the table, because in this lifestyle, youth and muscles are the premium not the bonus. Women can look beneath and see his potential or him as a person, gay man are too shallow to care. Which is the same reason so many of us are devoid and looking for love, and so few of us have it. We’re still waiting for the “Steven Becks” and “Derrick Trammels” to choose us…

  5. The gays are confused.

    “Like why isn’t he hiding somewhere in shame”

    Luckily women are much less shallow.

    1. Ya know what you are a mess! And I can’t with chu lol!😂😂😂 But I for one think it’s refreshing to show all the body types that exists in sports and btw this goes to show you that straight men don’t give a damn about their body image lol!

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