Unemployment Called and F’d Me Up

so i got a call earlier today from unemployment.
 i missed the call.
when i checked the message,
it was pretty jumbled.
all i heard was…
Continue reading “Unemployment Called and F’d Me Up”

Hope Has Flown The Coop?

large59 – 39.
one republican suddenly just changed his vote at the end.
1.7 million people out here are doomed.
half i’m sure have started looking to commit suicide.
i don’t know what to do anymore.
i’m stressed.
they basically shut any hope of unemployment reinstatement down.
i am completely broke.
surviving on koolaid and tv dinners.
warming my apartment with the oven.
can’t get on welfare.
the temp agencies i applied for are “in a slow period”.
sent resumes everywhere.
hell i even put it on here.
that job interview i went on went well,
but it’s up in the air.
feb 24th is when they will hire someone.
its the 6th.
what if he doesn’t hire me?
what do i do then?
i feel like i’m in 12 years a slave.
waiting for my “white man” to come and get me out this hell hole.
i’m kinda scared ya’ll.
this news left me completely devastated.
so do i become a prostitute?
sell drugs?
rob people?
do credit card scams and identity theft?
its easy to start my career now,
but i still have to survive.
i’m just sitting here in my dark apartment and my thoughts are so loud.
can someone give me a kind word?
something of hope i can hold on to?

lowkey: if that would have passed for 3 months,
i would be okay if that job did or didn’t come through.
if not,

i would have packed all my shit up and left to florida.
now i’m about to go crazy with the waiting game.

God, Forgive Them For Their Sins

BeHqB-HCcAEXRZqif you know me,
one of my favorite sentences in life is:

“i have a question?”

well since you all know me through this blog,
i have a question for all of you who read me daily.
have you ever asked yourself…

Am I doomed?
Can anyone honestly answer this?…

Continue reading “God, Forgive Them For Their Sins”

Faces of Evil

evilpeoplehow can republican mitch mcconnell put a thumbs up like that?
so evil aka the republicans denied an extension on all forms of unemployment.
they all voted down to reinstate it for the millions.
fan meet shit?…
Continue reading “Faces of Evil”


UGHHHHHHHHjust got this email from the governmental parental units.
“Dec. 28 marks the end of the emergency unemployment compensation program,
shutting off benefits for 1.3 million Americans immediately —
and millions more over the next year.”

well ya know what?
fuck them very gatdamn much!!!!
i’m tired of them and their bullshit.
they got everyone feeling like they doomed right before the holidays.
i will NOT let this ruin my night.
i’m going to focus on my blessings and not my burdens.
these “fuckshit” moments i need to remember jill (minus the dress part):

my god will make a way.

Jamari Fox VS The Ghetto Black Employed Bitch

article-walmart-1210“well dey not gon erase nothing since you not here.
you out of luck.
i really don’t need dis tone eitha.” she said

Continue reading “Jamari Fox VS The Ghetto Black Employed Bitch”