You Ain’t Been Sext, Til You Been Sext By… Tupac?

remember that thing called “paper”?
like from a notebook?

me neither.
back in the 90s,
there was no such thing as texts or dms.
folks actually wrote letters back and forth to each other.
they even went to that thing called “a mailbox” to mail them.
i know.
a vix-bi sent me an alleged letter the late tupac shakur wrote a vixen.
this was one of his alleged released letters to her from jail.
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I Want Your Eggplant In Between My OK Hand Sign (Emoji)

_5991509371they need an condom emoji.
just saying.
they finally gave us a middle finger.
can we get a condom?

well i saw a sex safe ad from mtv earlier,
which incorporated some of our favorite sext emojis in it.
i just have to ask…
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You Will Not Lie and Say You Banged Dez Bryant With A Strap On

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dez bryant is not happy camper.
hell i’m not.
i always pictured dez as some dick slangin’ super hero.
some groupie twitter account alleged she used a strap on dez.
or that he wanted it done in the near future.
check these tweets from their alleged sext episode…

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Bret Lockett: S E X T I N G

Well Foxes and Wolves,
my favorite baller, Bret Lockett, is caught up in quite the scandal.
Seems the lockout had a bored Lockett sexting a famous engaged porn star…
One who usually goes coo coo for cocoa cak anyway…

Guess who.

Continue reading “Bret Lockett: S E X T I N G”