fredo (fredo_llh) wants ya’ll to stop being savages for that meat in his dms

so which one of ya’ll got fredo upset?
well it seems like all those who can’t stay out of his dms.
i guess it was getting so bad that he had to address it in his ig stories
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They Want Your Ass First; Your Brain Cums Never?

Screen Shot 2015-05-12 at 8.30.23 PMi love his hair.
super swagg.
so a vix-bi sent me some old tweets from david banner today.
she wanted my opinion since every sista went in on him.
apparently he lost a few fans over his comments.
lets take a look why…
Continue reading “They Want Your Ass First; Your Brain Cums Never?”

Who Wants To Watch A Movie With Me Tonight? (2)

get some popcorn.
i picked up two movies for us…

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