what happens when your man wants to bottom and you are the bottom?

star fox had a good relationship with his mr. big wolf.
they met years before and were instantly attracted to each other.
they ended up separating and finding themselves back to each other.
star fox always considered himself a fox with slight hybrid tendencies.
when he got back with mr. big wolf,
they ended up committing to each other and living together.
one night,
mr. big wolf asked star fox to top him.

star fox told me during the act,
and not even a few strokes into it,
mr. big wolf turned around and said:

“This feels weird and I don’t like it.
This is a one-and-done in you ever toppin’ me again.”

…and quickly bent star fox over for his usual night cap.

even though mr. big wolf was “mr. big fox” in other relationships,
star fox showed up as a fox and he took on that role.
as gay males,
do we adapt and form gay relationships with how we show up?
or if the relationship goes on for more than a month

What happens if that suddenly changes?

a foxholer sent me a discussion on twitter with gay power couple,
they were asked this:

their answer

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why aren’t relationships lasting in the gay community? well…

the foxholer sent me an ig post of a gay couple in a “relationship”.
focus on the double quotation marks.
it was someone sitting on the lap of his man,
ass out in lingerie,
with both of their faces hidden.
all i saw in the picture was cheeks and someone who liked clappin’ them.
so when i see a tweet like ^that above,
my answer is…

Continue reading “why aren’t relationships lasting in the gay community? well…”

he gotta treat you like doo-doo before he doo-you

this might be a vent or a complaint to the hr manager of life,
i dunno.
it’s been on my mind tho…

why is it when you meet some males and you actually think they’re dope,
they appear to have good energy,
seem like fun to be around,
ya’ll both click just off the strength,
and it seems like they were into you

Why do they make you feel like you did something wrong for being interested in them?

i thought you were an amazing human and cute even if we ended up being platonic.
what an asshole i turned out to be.

do people actually like it when you’re genuinely interested in them?
or do they prefer to treat you like shit so you can prove yourself?
it’s so weird yet…

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stop trying to be perfect for these negros ya’ll want to date

we often think once we find someone then that’s it.
i guess it’s the optimist in us that we found “the one”.
the problem is when we thought this alleged one was all great…

…until the honeymoon phase wears off.

i was talking to someone today and they made me realize something

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the patterns aren’t broken, the sex might just be blinding them atm

when someone has a particular way of doing things consistently,
that can be a sign of who the person is.
we often ignore patterns because we hope things to be different.
we saw glimpses of those patterns as we got to know them,
but we chose to ignore it.

“When a person shows you who they are,
believe them.” – The great and late,
Maya Angelou.

one of my favorite quotes.
we like to think we are these special snowflakes when it comes to others,
that we’ll treated differently than those from their past,
but i’m here to font you…

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baby, come smash me in the storage room during my 15 minute break *end text*

*the following entry is rated r.
viewer discretion is strongly advised.

i’m not beyond messing with a co-worker from a job.
i’ve worked with some fine ass wolves at past jobs.
i’ve never had sex with any of them,
but i haveĀ  fantasized smashin’ my brains out over a conference room table.
when you spend 8 hours a day with other attractive folks,
you’re bound to develop feelings or relationships.
i’ve been at jobs where folks were fuckin’ in and out of the office,
but some of these same folks were in full blown relationships/marriages.
i saw a video of two cooks smashing at work in south africa,
but they are both in alleged marriages

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