Jimmy Kimmel Allegedly Fuckin’ Ben Affleck? I Read That Correctly?

WHOAKANYE!life always stops when ye goes on an epic rant.
this time he is going off on jimmy kimmel about a spoof he did.
he also dropped something in his rant about ben affleck i didn’t see coming.
so it all started because of this…

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Breezy Wolf Has First World Problems He’s Addressing on Twitter

tumblr_mjillkNZ8F1r41plpo5_500breezy wolf is on a roll on twitter today.
he managed to go off about rappers wearing grandma curtains,
jay z and beyonce,
and now he went in on tmz for this post here…

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My Breezy Wolf Announces Retirement? Someone Slap Him For Me.

chrisretiresaww cum rest cho head on my booty.
tell foxi all about it baby…
well i luh breezy wolf,
he know i do,
but he needs to accept some responsibility in his bullshit.
if he woulda sat his ass down and not do stupid shit,
he would be ridin’ high.
instead he choose to act like a common n*gger.
he can’t blame anyone without realizing he gave them plenty of ammunition.
he should be lookin’ like swizz cheese at this point.
i wish him well.


i been hacked.
lol jk.
well look i ain’t say it.
he did:

ericwilliamsknotting hood aka eric williams,
jennifer william’s from bbw miami ex husband,
went on a twitter rant this morning.
he says gays have more rights than blacks now.
he also says it is sodom & gomorrah: part 2.
he also realized he had a mouth full of pee from his cereal too…


Has Kanye Started To Lose His Mind?

this “kanye” is long gone.

now that he has impregnated that armenian demon,
he has been showing every inch of his ass.
he had three concerts in london.
these are the three outcomes

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“I Bet That Could Touch The Back of My Throat.” Press To Send?

you know what i hate?…

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