Chris Brown Needs Our Help (ATTENTION)

Screen Shot 2015-12-08 at 6.12.06 PMchris brown wants your money.
are you willing to lend him 12 bucks for his cause?
he wants you to pre order his album,
he put up a message on instagram about it…
Continue reading “Chris Brown Needs Our Help (ATTENTION)”

SongBirdz Is Simply Amazing… With 3 Videos?


another video songbirdz?
i thought we were still promoting 2 reasons?
uk release?
are we sure?
ok, well i’ll give you a little boost.


so, my pouty lipped boo songbirdz is trying hard with this new album.
3 singles so far.
or, was this 2?
i lost count.
either way, check the video for simply amazing.
tell me what you think.

Continue reading “SongBirdz Is Simply Amazing… With 3 Videos?”