jamari fox is a nobody

t8UebS96pD5Zj4XOGlvj4RCkuA2W6_BD3Wl_1iDDoCssxC7OKcjNeTpByAG-g-sfehDTeHWRWQtdpQMOd22CJ74mhEgUVUHMtge5lyzdAl-LNw-AWhMXkfI24I5Y1b1DLHtFCvbYSb9W3pzqxdSYlRV0t08=s0-d-e1-ftin the gold digga era,
there will be more than a few set backs.
you will have more than a few naysayers as well.
people who will try their best to bring you down.
without these issues,
it wouldn’t give you the opportunity to prove yourself.
go from “nobody” to “somebody”.
it takes being brought down into the fire for you to rise up out of it.
show you the life you deserve.
well i’m in hell at this job and it’s really hot…
Continue reading “jamari fox is a nobody”

Just Look Good, Fuck Me Great, and Pick Up My Dry Cleaning.


I do not know about anyone else,
but I am HIGHLY attracted to a Wolf who is aggressive.
You see the pictures I put up in MEAT.
All Wolves who give the impression that they will actively pursue me (and fuck my brains out).
As a Fox, we are more than likely drawn to aggression.
Which is kind of why we like MEN in the first place.
It can be a turn on and something different than the norm.

A Wolf who chases us!
One we are attracted to also!

But what if you are in the radar of a Wolf whose only aggressive when he wants some ass?
He has no job and no kind of independence… but when he wants some sex, he is on the hunt?
What happens when he is absolutely perfect… except when it comes to making money and being a “man”?
And how bad is it when YOU as a Fox, Hybrid, or even Vixen has bigger BALLS than the Wolf you are fucking?

How do we spot the “Fools Gold” Wolf?

Continue reading “Just Look Good, Fuck Me Great, and Pick Up My Dry Cleaning.”