it’s the mixed signals that makes you want to smash

when you masturbate to the thought of him,
i’m sure you shoot pretty hard.
he’s always the star of the show every time you think about him.
he has flaws,
but you look past it because he turns you on so much.
people think he is just “okay“,
but to you,
he is everything.
outside tho,
the interest is there,
but he gives a shit ton of mixed signals.
it only adds to the fantasy.

Mystery is the fantasy.

i saw a tweet from @robert_rules that was an “ah-ha” moment…

Continue reading “it’s the mixed signals that makes you want to smash”

why are the emotionally unavailable males the sexiest?

i am attracted to emotionally unavailable “straight” jackals.
i have the guts to admit my faults tho.
i seem to have a thing for males who love mixed signals.
one minute,
they are showing signs of interest to get you wrapped up.
the next,
it’s like they barely even know you.
once they need something to feed on,
they are right back to me.
after my string of disasters in my “lust” life,
i came to that conclusion by breaking down my biggest mistakes

Continue reading “why are the emotionally unavailable males the sexiest?”

f0xmail: I Want Him, But The Way Those “Mixed Signals” Are Set Up…



Whats up Jamari?? As you know I have been a loyal member of the foxhole since the beginning. I check the site daily and you have definitely helped me through some situations. I’m kinda going through a situation with a guy and I just want your insight.

So I met this guy a few weeks ago and immediately felt something that I haven’t felt for anyone before. I really like him and he says he likes me too but doesn’t show that much attention. I have been entertaining other guys and he got mad about it. He basically doesn’t trust me and said we could only be friends. I laid everything out and told him exactly how I felt about him but he didn’t respond. I deleted his # and our text history and was never going to talk to him again.

He hit me up 2 days later and we had a good convo but he is sending mixed signals. Idk if I should pursue him or just move on. He is the perfect guy…100% my type but I don’t wanna look thirsty or like a fool.

What should I do!?



Continue reading “f0xmail: I Want Him, But The Way Those “Mixed Signals” Are Set Up…”