delta is full of doo doo (literally)

the following story is rated “PU”.
it’s also rated “U BETTA SUE”.
this is type of shit that will get someone to fighting.
imagine getting on a plane anddddddddd…
your seat is covered in shit.
not only that,
the flight crew saying you’d be left behind if you didn’t sit in it.
well one passenger had to from atlanta to miami.
a foxholer sent me the following and well…
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male model, hivo gonzalez, was in fear for his life (so he ended up allegedly killing someone?)

have we fonted about ^this one?
you might wanna keep your hard ons on low.
so ^that’s hivo gonzalez.
he is a model hyena from miami.
“hyena” because he’s headed to jail for his alleged crime.
a foxholer sent me the story via “the daily mail”
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Don’t Be Kissin’ No Wolves In Miami

tumblr_nakomdtiGl1tdusq5o1_500when i think of miami,
i think of nice weather and beautiful animals everywhere.
“any and every” goes to south beach for a little r&r,
sex on the beach,
and potential ratchet behavior you’ll tell someone’s grandcubs.
well these two gays learned never to kiss in a south beach burger king bar.
sidebar: they still have those?
they shut the one down off of time square.
an f-bi sent me this story and the video to accompany it…
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f0xmail: When A Big Butt Has A lot of S__t Behind It

Drop_Canopy_Blindfoldedalleged shit.
so as you know,

i have a f-bi that spans the entire united states.
we are in locker rooms,
the scenes,
at the clubs,
and in the classrooms.
hell the foxhole is also international!
well i got an interesting f0xmail today about a popular attentionisto.
as always,
f0xmails are “alleged” until proven otherwise.
so that means don’t come attacking me.
i didn’t write it.
anyway check the following…
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Who Was That Tall Red Wolf on RHOA?

zwcWZojso i was bored and decided to tune into #rhoa tonight.
i gotta say…
it was actually pretty entertaining.
i might just lift my reality ban.
don’t get excited.
 ever since all my shows went on vaca,
i have nothing to watch.
the previews for next week’s episode>>>>>>
some tall red wolf was trying to fight kenya.
i did some sniffing and it’s allegedly…
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I Guess Your Prayers Didnt Work Last Night (Po’ Dat)

JAILso none of ya’ll helped mama pattie out with the prayers?
well biebz is currently on his knees at cell block “d”.
praying that is.
he was arrested last night for none other than…

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