You In Here Trolling For Instagram Pipe Like The Rest of Us.

tumblr_mlw4jbJ3mk1r5gmyoo1_1280so you follow @attentionwhore instagram.
pick one.
there are a ton.
either his body was glistening more than usual,
or he went in on something sexual,
but something inside you started typing a comment.
one that was kinda bold.
well said @attentionwhore decided to reply:

“thats a lil suspect son.”
“wow thats that homo shit.”
“why are you even commenting under my shit nigga?”

embarrassing, i’m sure.
all the vixens are laughing and making comments.
they too are fiending for the dick.
you aren’t who i’m side eying at the moment.
its the other hyenas in the comment box who got something to say:

“wow *insert smiley face emoticons* @attentionwhore”
“thats real suspect son @attentionwhore”
“you sure told him @attentionwhore”

ya’ll crusty face dumb ass negros following him too.
i know ya’ll not following for the #foodporn and the drinks.
don’t start trying to get in good with @attentionwhore for brownie points.
especially at the expense of someone else.
stop the foolishness.
stop it right now.
oh and cut the “son” and “bruh” too.
you don’t say that shit in real life and you know it.

They Hate Me! They Really Really Hate Me!

tumblr_mh9wzhKTpm1r1br1uo1_500i saw the following on tumblr and i had to post this.

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The WHOLE HOT97 Interview: The “Mister Cee” Files

gay-mr-cee1thank my fav f-bi who snagged the entire interview….

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Donkey For The Last Two Years: Mister Cee.

disney_43393_5i cant.
just listen…

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I Just Wanted To Do Hoodrat Shit With My Friends (15)

and pranks galore…

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