hood and easy”.

Heat Ain’t Poppin ‘n’ Lockin Fast Enough on Connectpal?

this is why i don’t get into this connectpal shit.
so everyone meet heat.
you remember him?
he is the dominican stripper attentionisto with the pop ‘n’ lock moves.
i guess he wanted to try something new for 16′ christmas:

…or not.
well it seems that now heat is a big reality tv star on lifetime’s “black magic”,
he hasn’t been updating his connectpal for his fans.
one of the f-bi sent me some of his comments under that picture…
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“Moonlight” Pushes The Gay Agenda To Turn Males Gay

has anyone SEEN the comments about “moonlight” on facebook?
an f-bi just sent me the madness.
take a look at this
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The Follow Up That Is “Michael Jackson” NOT Played By

well that was quick.
even resting peacefully,the king of pop can still make moves.
so remember ( x that disgusting trailer ) for what i thought was a movie,
but is really a show,
called “urban myths”?
they had a white actor “trying” to play michael jackson.
well it’s been pulled from the episode line up.
here is what happened via npr
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Let’s Meet With Donald Trump To Help “Us”!

it seems like everyone wants to play “peacemaker” with our new president.
all of our “important” blacks are lining up to meet with him.
that last sentence was filled with sarcasm.
i guess they want to play “hero”.
kanye was the first and now we got another to put on his cape.
check who met with donald trump today via the shade room
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Markeith Rivers Makes His Return From In His Lair

so it was true.
markeith rivers was shot an robbed by a dl wolf.
God loves children and fools so he survived.
one of the f-bi alerted me with an update today.
this is what markeith posted on his facebook
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