jamari fox is a nobody

t8UebS96pD5Zj4XOGlvj4RCkuA2W6_BD3Wl_1iDDoCssxC7OKcjNeTpByAG-g-sfehDTeHWRWQtdpQMOd22CJ74mhEgUVUHMtge5lyzdAl-LNw-AWhMXkfI24I5Y1b1DLHtFCvbYSb9W3pzqxdSYlRV0t08=s0-d-e1-ftin the gold digga era,
there will be more than a few set backs.
you will have more than a few naysayers as well.
people who will try their best to bring you down.
without these issues,
it wouldn’t give you the opportunity to prove yourself.
go from “nobody” to “somebody”.
it takes being brought down into the fire for you to rise up out of it.
show you the life you deserve.
well i’m in hell at this job and it’s really hot…
Continue reading “jamari fox is a nobody”

did david mcintosh get some pipe leakage?

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who is ready for some mid sized little friday ratchetness?
i am!
i am!
so king david mcintosh allegedly got got.
an f-bi alerted me that a tumblr named “walls0fjericho got a hold of king david’s alleged nudes.
you know i had to post this before i went to work.
well you be the judge if this is really david or not...

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Adrian Peterson’s Lips Were Made For…

947929-19629591-1600-900adrian peterson has nice lips,
but i’m afraid they need a muzzle.
so prosecutors want adrian’s bond revoked for his latest alleged admission
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Tank Doesn’t Like When You Attack His Light Skin Queen

Screen Shot 2014-10-09 at 8.40.00 PMsocial media has been the death of being a true celebrities.
it seems to be the place where they go,
say something absolutely stupid,
and show us who they really are.
lets add tank to the list,
shall we?
so tank is dating a light skin “queen” like ^so.
he had a question for everyone on twitter.
well a specific group of people rather…
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Me and Adrian Peterson Need To Have A Pow Wow

AP_adrian_peterson4_ml_141008_16x9_992^that was adrian peterson and his wife in court today.
good choice on outfits and color palettes.
so adrian plead not guilty as he would.
the trial for his child abuse allegations start in december.
he is lookin’ to up to 2 years if convicted.
before he went to court,
he decided to defend himself to us on twitter with a series of tweets.
this time its for the alleged “charity orgy” allegations…
Continue reading “Me and Adrian Peterson Need To Have A Pow Wow”

So The World Has Suddenly Discovered Timbs or Nah?

Tim_Fronthas anyone ever wore timbs?
well if you are from new yawk,
or anywhere with a cold winter,
you may have worn a pair of constructs.
well elle magazine has lost it today.
i snuck on twitter and saw a couple people goin in on a tweet.
the topic?
Continue reading “So The World Has Suddenly Discovered Timbs or Nah?”