Slapped The Taste Out

slapslapslapslapi’m tired of hoodrats.
i’m tired of ghetto shenanigans.
i’m tired of people pulling out their phones to be on worldstar.
i’m just tired of it all.
is it just me?
so i know everyone saw this video with ^that mangy mutt getting slapped back into her mama’s womb yesterday…
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When The Going Gets Tough, The Kim Kardashian Gets Naked

-1kim kardashian gets naked!”
words i’m sure don’t shock you or me.
well ^that is the “rated: kim” verison to her latest cover for paper magazine.
this is the other that an f-bi sent me…
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I’m Not Gay No More (The Delivered For Wimmenz Remix)

imnotgaynomorewhat is internet foolishness without the remix?
well remember mister “i will love a wimmen” from t( x he gay revival ) yesterday?
he is now is immortalized in song by music man dre
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Climb Up On It

okclimbonitlife is not what it is without mountains.
everyone in life,
no matter who they are,
has a couple mountains to climb.
mountains can be small,
as they don’t require much effort and have quicker lessons.
then there are those mountains,
from the distance,
look absolutely terrifying.
those are the ones with the biggest lessons and memorable victories.
so i had to ask…

What does your latest mountain look like?

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That Being Said, I’m Not Gay Anymore! (God Changed Me!)

Screen Shot 2014-11-10 at 8.00.11 PMso you all are definitely my foxhole.
i saw this video earlier today and thought of you.
you all obviously blew up my emails so i know you were thinking of me.
you know i love god.
my twitter feed on sunday is filled with notes from td jakes sermon.
god also knows that i love wolves.
he okay with that.
we already discussed.
well this one church hyena didn’t feel the same way.
god obviously hasn’t spoken to him yet.
 he went back into the holy ghost closet at the 107th Holy Convocation.
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I Walk Through The Valley of The Shadow of Sacrifice

v) give up (something important or valued) for the sake of other considerations.

everyone has a dream.
a goal.
a life changing “something” that they want to accomplish.
it could graduating college,
have a successful business,
or play with balls for a living.
too many people don’t know the true meaning of sacrifice.
they think that they can still…
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