You’ll Be Waiting To See Janet (Or Won’t Be?)

tumblr_nubtpx3iZ61rwih5k_og_1280someone i’ve always wanted to see in concert is janet.
i bet she puts on a great show.
even at her 49,
i’m sure she is still killin’ the stage like her peers.
well i won’t be going to her show and it seems you won’t be either.
janet is postponing the second leg of the “unbreakable world tour”.
this is why via twitter
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Oprah Wants Tyler Perry To Own Some Writers?


3240344000000578-3494066-image-a-6_1458136621241uh oh.
trouble in paradise?
well allegedly,
oprah and tyler perry are giving each other time out.
why you ask?
well this is the beef they are having via daily mail
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Odell Beckham Jr Annnnnddd… Zendaya?

Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 8.14.19 PMyes.
i needed to put my glasses on as well.
so odell beckham jr and zendaya are an alleged “thing”.
i know.
from amber rose to zendaya?
you know what?
*puts hands in the air*
check out what tmz sports had to say…
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Bibles and Butt Sex: The Alleged Tale of Another Gay Pastor

tumblr_n5yjcheqDx1qg868wo1_500another pastor outed for suspect behavior in someone’s pool pit?
absolute shocker!
well i got the following fox wire and it is all ALLEGED.
okay so check this out…
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f0xmail: Kellon Deryck, Amiyah Scott… and Steven Beck?

Screen Shot 2015-08-31 at 8.27.49 PMwell today is steven beck’s birthday.
“happy birthday steven!”
i got a f0xmail this morning about steven and i couldn’t wait to post it.
as you know,
foxhole fav,
kellon deryck has gotten a boost in popularity.
he needs to thank amiyah scott for putting him further on the map.
he has been the talk of many forests.
well it seems steven beck may also be involved in this scheme as well.
this is what was shoved into my box
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We All Just Trying To Get Smashed By “Our Fantasies”

10155492_859473587397561_3404004787852095281_ni know i am and i won’t apologize for it.
so you know that entry i wrote ( x below )?

well i had a thought about it on my mind for a while.
i guess i’m glad that happened so i could release it.
so ever so often,
some “straight” attentionisto complains of all the male attention he gets.
he wants to have a moment and announce to the world:




…and so on and so forth.
well here is the issue with that.
some of these insta-attentionistos ain’t straight to begin with.
now not every wolf who takes off his shirt is for “us”,
but some of them can be.
some of the same ones barkin’ got questionable ass DMS.
others who are #mcm have a couple #mcm.
we are so use to the following
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