So Royal G Has Some Leakage For Sale?

so someone hit me up on ig with what i thought was an exclusive.

“i got royal g nudes…”

…but it was a pic of his tail in a modelling shot.
the tail was covered by a smiley face.
as you can see above,
we have seen royal g’s tail plenty of times.
they sent me a video of royal g,
with what looks his pipe,
but it was blocked off by a smiley face.
it looked like he got finished smashin’ someone and dropped his towel.
whoever wanted me to pay for the video.
not happening.
it wasn’t until i saw this
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Your Perfect Match?

my home-vixen went through hell with her ex-fiance/baby daddy.
i mean,
he had out here looking absolutely crazy.
when she paid his whole way to a “couple’s retreat” to flex on his other hoes.
i’m talking doing the most on ig.

  his harem didn’t care because he was back fuckin em once he came home.
she loved him tho and wanted to make it work for their cub,
but she realized that she had to go.
she remained single for 2 years until
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Victor Cruz Has A New Love

when i was watching “ballers” on hbo a couple weeks ago,
which stars dwayne “the rock” johnson,
it was cool to see victor cruz make his acting debut.
he did a pretty good job playing “himself”.
he can try his paws at acting after being let go from playing football.
he has always kept his love life pretty quiet.
when his baby mama/long term engagement holder,
blasted him for his side hoes,
he still kept lowkey about it.
victor debuted his new vixen over the weekend and well…

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“Suffering Succotash: The Art of The Swindle” by Keaton Jones?

i wasn’t moved.
i might be getting heartless or could sense the scheming

so did the foxhole see this video of keaton jones?
he is the bullied snow cub whose mother made this video on fb.
this is what he had to say

well that video of keaton went viral that everyone took notice.
from baller wolves to actors.
even the bae of all snow baes,
“captain america”

that is a few of the responses he got.
someone even raised close to 60k on a “gofundme”:

it took nothing for ya’ll to get to digging.
come to find out

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NFL Baller Wolf, LeVeon Bell, Might Have Some Leakage?

i’m sitting on the train and i get a message yesterday.
anytime the foxhole sends me something,
i have a special ringtone for ya.
the message went

“I just saw leveon bell’s (alleged) sex tape on tumblr”

oh ok!
just what my evening needed.
a sexy nfl baller wolf getting in some guts.
leveon is so messy so this is right up his alley.
you know i perked up real quick!

so i’m expecting to see this leakage in the following email.

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Aaron Hernandez Wanted His “Heart” In The Same Cell As Him

so they’re here.
fresh off the presses.
well kinda.
the aaron hernandez alleged “gay lovah” letters have been released.
well kinda.
he wrote a letter to prison officials about sharing a cell with some other jackals,
but one preferably that was his “heart”.
an f-bi sent me what wcvb had to say…
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