You Can Count on Yusaf Mack To Be In The Gay Parade

Screen Shot 2015-11-05 at 6.52.02 PMyusaf mack made another announcement today.
i guess he realized the chances of him fuckin’ a pussy again was out the question,
so he decided to announce his retirement from bisexuality.
this is what gawker had to report…
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Marc Jacobs Wants You To Try This On

Screen Shot 2015-07-03 at 12.37.08 PMmarc jacobs is an amazing fashion designer.
he looks good too.
he wants us all to try out everything from his empire.
well i think he posted his own leakage that was meant for someone in his dms.
he quickly deleted the following picture from instagram,
but of course,
the f-bi was already on it.
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Young, Fresh, New, and F*cked In Hollywood?

YOUNGHOLLYWOODso the scandal with director bryan singer has everyone colored “OMG!”.
oh you know the scandal.
he was accused of allegedlt sleeping with young twinks in hopes of a come up in hollywood.
the casting couch with young hollywood?!?
complete shocker!
well in an article,
which was featured on gawker,
they were speaking about it while lowkey outing a young hollywood actor.
the actor?
taylor lautner of twilight fame.
all kinds of reckless with this quote…
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Beyonce Is Now “The New King of Pop”!!

what happened to this guy?

someone wrote up this article on gawker and it has everyone talking.
the michael jackson fans are flipping the hell out.
what about you?…

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So, Foxes Should Never Get Fat Because We Will Die Alone?

I didn’t say it.
Someone sent me a TIP with this article and I can only imagine how much discussion it will produce…

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