the alleged details of jussie smollett and “subway with bleach-gate”

oh dear.
so jussie had another press conference today.
this time,
it was his bond hearing.
during the hearing,
they gave details of:

how he met one of the mandingo warrior wolves
what he needed to be done
it all went down

this is the alleged bond proffer with all the details…
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When You Might Find Out Your Father Has Better Pipe Than You

…or you fuck better than your pops.
i know.
here is a vomit bag.
as the years go on,

fathers are getting sexier younger and sexier younger.
it also means a lot of these dads are still mentally stagnant as well.
a foxholer sent me a video about how a father was gonna bond with his cub.
they gonna “fuck some bitches together in vegas”.
his words
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