you want the male, but you don’t want the sex that comes with it

the following is not a dirty word.
it’s not something to be shunned either.
you don’t have to hide.
its perfectly natural and i understand it.


some people,
including gay males,
have no desire to have sex with anyone.
i learned something interesting this week at work…

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I’m Just Not Fuckin’ Anyone Right Now. Is That Bad?

you know when you have grown because you look at things differently.
before you may have cursed someone out for violating your entire situation.
now you take a deep breath,
and move on.
let them look stuck on stupid because you pay them dust.
what happens when you realize you outgrow people in your life?
even though you still have a connection to them?
well i have been talking to a friend i x mentioned on here recently,
but now i’m realizing i’m starting to be over it.
we had a conversation recently that went like this…

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